Thursday, April 4, 2013

Beer number two

Once again, after weeks of waiting, my second batch of beer is complete! This time I  used a Black IPA kit from Norther Brewery. This one didn't require me to sit around with a bunch of grains feeling like I'm making oatmeal since it comes with an extract, that's basically the sugar needed for that good old yeast to chew up and spit out alcohol. Anyways, finally bottled and waited for it to carbonate it and it's actually pretty good. Just look at it! It's actually carbonated. There are little bubbles. You can see them, right there. Plus there isn't a bunch of stuff floating around in it like my last batch. Overall, it's a success. I'll probably keep brewing even if logically it makes no sense. Cost about $10 to get the kit and 3 hours of my time and I get 10 bottles out of it. Not the most cost effect way to get beer. I can go to the liquor store, grab a 12 pack of something professionally made and pay $12 bucks or so, but there is less fun in that. The logical thing would be to get a bigger kit and I can brew 5 gallons at a time, but I'll hold off on that.

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